Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt

There is a string which connects their minds, when they look into each other eyes. They don't need words to communicate. They can spend hours, looking at one another. The way you defined the divine relationship is absolutely Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt, right. The feel called real love is indefinable. When the person is not near us, we feel incomplete. Every time we look at the person, we automatically blush. There is no word to define how it feels to be in love, unconditional.
Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt
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Commitment is itself love. If Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt committed with someone dear then u really love that person. Even though that person hurt you or does some mistakes u try to understand instead of revenge and u will never take that person for granted when u are committed u really take effort to make the relation better not worst or betrayal comes in it. 
Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt
It’s an inner feeling, it is spontaneous and one who loves someone cannot wait for others reaction, it’s a lifelong promise to one’s Soul and wish love and good always even if the other have no knowledge. In love always the true heart enjoys the unity with fantastical power of pardoning and there is no expiry date. It seems he never experienced the divine feelings of love. When Hallmark Christmas I am a Hallmarkaholic shirt and every activity in love is guided by some mysterious forces. 
