Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt

As long as you are available for him, you are worthless in his eyes. God bless you all. I've dealt with this same experience. Took me years to get over the kid that did this to me. A word of advice for those struggling: don't be afraid to cry and let out your emotions. Talk to and confide in your friends/ trusted family members. I know Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt is a stigma nowadays that crying is weak, and you need to cheer up and get over yourself, but that isn't the case. It's okay to break down, it's okay to hurt. I made the mistake of not really talking about my feelings very much with my friends/ family, and over time.

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Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt

I felt myself become emotionally numb. I'll be honest, it's still taking me time to open and be honest with, not just family, but also myself about how I feel. But anyway, just to summarize, don't be afraid to hurt/ express your emotions, confide in family and friends, and don't shut yourself off from the world. Mine was after 32 yrs. of raising his children, my children, our children and his step son. Having his Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt (who I cherished) live with us for 7 yrs. two years later my heart is still broken, and I can’t understand how someone can throw away a lifetime.

 Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt
My heart won’t heal. I understand you very Well. I am heartbroken by Alabama merry Christmas to all and to all a Roll Tide shirt and I don’t Even know why. He say he love me so Much and can’t stop loving me and he miss me too but he want to be alone. It is not me he says. So I sit here with why? How can you love someone so Much, but you don’t want them? He says I am the best friendlies he ever had. Then why? I feel exactly the same! 10 years I spent loving a man who i completely and utterly trusted Ans be lived he loved me just as much as I did him! Told me how we are soul mates etc.

