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In the recent decades, we often hear the phrase "sustainable development," this phrase is also used in a variety of contexts and areas, one of which is "sustainable economic development". The underlying economic conditions for Dabbing unicorn Lepricorn girls St Patricks day shirt that is inclusive, environmentally sustainable and conducive to employment creation are a basic prerequisite for generating income and bringing about a permanent reduction in poverty.  Satisfying aforesaid conditions, in the least-developed and developing countries, agricultural sector plays a massive role in the process of sustainable economic development. According to FAO (Rome, 2002), agriculture is the mainstay of the least-developed and developing country economies, underpinning their food security, export earnings and rural development.
Dabbing unicorn Lepricorn girls St Patricks day shirt

The perceived role of agriculture in growth and development process of a nation has changed considerably over time. Remarkably, the Green Revolution in Asia during the 1960s and 1970s showed that it was possible to transform traditional Dabbing unicorn Lepricorn girls St Patricks day shirt into a modern sector. This demonstrated agriculture’s potential as a growth sector, and its active role in initiating .broader development (Adelman, 2001)
