Teach like Friends Episodes plan like Monica great like Joey shirt

 I didn't become a teacher to be a policeman. Teaching should be left to certified teachers and policing should be left to certified policeman. This is what happens when Teach like Friends Episodes plan like Monica great like Joey shirt how to reform education and don't respect teacher professionalism. And is the police training free? How about the guns and ammo? The gun safe for keeping the kids from using it? Since most teachers have to provide their own school supplies I'm guessing the school districts are not paying for this. 
 Teach like Friends Episodes plan like Monica great like Joey shirt

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Reward the few gun-huggers among the teachers, the ones most fearful of their students and most sure that they are tough enough, quick, enough, and talented enough to make that judgment call in the heat of the moment. Let the good teachers who just want to do their jobs and love their students go without raises to pay for this. Makes perfect sense in some alternate reality. I Teach like Friends Episodes plan like Monica great like Joey shirt carry license, also a teacher and I would say no thanks to this idea. Instead, hire veterans or retired police officers for every school.
