Never had an animal break into my house. I once found a very
small child playing in my living room. I returned her to her mother. Vicki
Bridges I can see why you think that. I just watched that clip about 10 times.
There isn't Friends Naruto Squad t-shirt it's an open space. However, it's not a wild bear so it's
not a damn death sentence. The bear can eat some ice cream. Anyways its tongue
wrapped around it wasn't flat like it was kicking glass then its head moved
past the black border once or twice. The hand holding the ice cream moves from
the force of the bear licking it.
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I put way too much time into this comment. Melissa Craig then you have people who watch these
types of videos and think it’s ok to feed wildlife in that manner. It’s a
safety concern for wildlife and humans. One easy way to get a bird out of your
house is 2 open your Friends Naruto Squad t-shirt completely. Close all the other doors and
shoo him towards the open door. once he smells of fresh air, they're happy to
fly out. Because your house is not their natural habitat and they don't want to
be there. Works for bats too. I also did this for a field rat that my kitty
brought in a live field rat I closed all the other doors open the back door
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