Pug when the doctor takes an xray of my heart shirt

I saw your interview and how you sometimes don't want to be "Katy Perry". Girl, be who you want. You don't have to live up to everybody's expectations. Live the life you want to live. Hang with the people you want to hang out with. Eat what you want to eat. Do your hair the way you want to do your hair. Love yourself. Take a break every once in a while, cause we all know you deserve it. I really hope you see this because I want you.  Has the Pug when the doctor takes an xray of my heart shirt show been removed My resale text says removed but it still shows on Ticketmaster.

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Is it just the resale that was removed or the whole date and show at Nassau coliseum. I write here because I do not know who to turn to, I am a European woman and before I die I would like to live my American dream, can someone help me to get it I just need a house and a job. Many thanks and happy memory day. When are you going to have a concert in Iran or Pug when the doctor takes an xray of my heart shirt let's see how that works out for ya And make sure you take down that wall around your mansion cause your so open and inviting to Everyone our answer to terrorism of having no borders and loving one another is brilliant. 
