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Dennis Menace and just like the fake news you take snippets of that article and use that as your “fact base”. I read the article in entirety and the undocumented workers that pay taxes are ones who are working and are trying to gain their citizenship and have proper work Visas. The fact that you and others are defending Stranger Things Starcourt mall Hawkins Indiana shirt that they break the law by admitting they’re using fake social security numbers is mind boggling. Are you kidding me. What is the ratio to those who don’t pay anything. Don’t be one sided or CNN. Tell the whole story.

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Mr. President, for doing all you can to keep us safe. If only the democrats cared about human life other than their own. You know what needs to be done and how to do it. I’m so proud to have you as our President. Trump 2020. Steve Balazs he really showed his balls when Iran shot down his drone. He really showed his balls with North Korea as they continue firing missiles. And don't forget he's really showing his Stranger Things Starcourt mall Hawkins Indiana shirt wow Iran exceeds their uranium-enrichment quota. Karen Harvey because he needs your vote at the moment, once he has it and if he gets in again he'll start a war with Iran.
