Daniel Kodani Earning a degree doesn't entitle you to
respect nor does anything else you've stated. You know what does. Decency and
common courtesy, which is what a lot of older adults and teachers are in extreme
shortage of. And this is why the Michael Myers slay all day shirt has gone to shit. In
order for younger people like Elisha Rogers to actually fill this way says that
she was raised that way. Elisha Rogers
"Melinda Mitchell nope. Disrespect me I'm disrespect you. Plain and
simple. Want respect, give it."
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My question for you is what does you consider disrespect. Do
you feel entitled to others respect. It sure sounds like it. I don't know if
that was your intention, but people generally don't walk around automatically
disrespecting someone. Kids in Michael Myers slay all day shirt got one job while there, listening and
being taught by the teachers, that's what we pay them for. So, when i student
behaves like this in a government building public schools. There shouldn't be
that much confusion to the respect factor. These kids are not at liberty, nor
have the education or "right" to determine what they consider
disrespect. Of course, i am assuming you are well out of school and graduated.
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