Rick and Morty trick or treat Halloween shirt

Apparently there's no way to contact the company other than use their posts that in itself says something about the process. Amazon pulled a fast one. I opted for delayed shipping on an order seeing Amazon's $5.00 credit offer if it qualified and it did. What they do is give you Rick and Morty trick or treat Halloween shirt which is basically only Wholefoods items, food and over priced to begin with. Nice thank you for helping your company out - never again. You also can't contact them in any way to make a complaint. Madison, I had the same message, driver drove right by my house and left it at the Post Office, which was closed at the time, Postal worker found my package inside the lobby door when she got to work.

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I've had drivers who like to mark "delivered directly to resident" just so they don't have to go through the trouble of taking a photo before. Usually it's during the holidays when they have a lot of temp workers, though. I have been am amazon prime member for years and the quality of their service has drastically dropped. I placed an order for same day it did not arrive. I called and said i no longer wanted the item and after Rick and Morty trick or treat Halloween shirt came to deliver the item they were suppose to send to Amazon headquarters. I refused the package and laser ship stated that it was delivered. 
