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These people do not represent America as a whole. There are plenty of us that are good people doing good work for our fellow man regardless of race/nationality/creed/sex/religion. Of course, we have our idiots too, just like every other country and sadly they get more spotlight than anyone else because our news and Scooby Supernatural Christmas tree shirt likes to focus on the bad. Please remember while you may not like America we feed and aid most of the world. No other country comes close to what we put into this planet. Have a great day and a wonderful life. I am proud to call myself an American.

The people of this country with good sense will rise again, that's just what we do. Christine Veglia Cre no i am definitely not spoiled i grew up in Scooby Supernatural Christmas tree shirt and broken family and all i know is love for people. And that is exactly why i hate the states. I never said I'd go to the UK because you are right, they have just as many problems and some are worse. I would rather go to a country that really truly cares about seeing its people thrive. Ex. Literally anywhere with free healthcare and education because those are human rights that we don't get unless you have money or no legs. 
