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Funmilade Adesegun Yisa-Adebanjo I sent her a message to try liquid chlorophyll. It's amazing it cleanses the body of all odors from the inside it's all natural, it's what gives plants their green color. I take it everyday it is amazing. Billie Cory, no after applying for five minutes wash .one more thing in the morning take a teaspoon of Fukuyama in your coffee for a week. Fell the difference. Bad breath and body smell will be cured. Jacqui Perren Amen. I’m amazed at the level of nastiness and ignorance in these comments. It’s so aggravating to know Brothers of Horror Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger vintage shirt that exists.

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So many comments like they never heard anything except that she has body odor at all the advice. Ikram Apandy how rude. There are people out there who have these issues. I worked with a guy who smelled great at the beggar of or shift. Half way threw you could smell him. By the end of the shift it was very noticeable. He tried everything. So please do not be so rude. Look Born Different. You’ve found a plethora of Brothers of Horror Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger vintage shirt experts just look at all the “advice” comments. I would expect a site such as this should have strong administration to better police these comments. 
