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That which does not bend, breaks, my gov teaches nothing useful except how to learn and what not to do, sir. You confuse situational balance with universal law, i agree with your individual points under circumstance but they do not establish sound reasoning for obeying all laws. Dumb laws and unjust laws need to be broken. Waiting for laws to change is too slow and people die and get locked up. Can’t wait to abolish slavery so you hide the slave and help them to freedom in underground railroad. Tired of giving up your Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger daamn shirt for white’s folks and moving to the back of the bus.

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How do you overthrow dictatorships if you always follow the dictator’s laws like North Korea. We are made to think not follow orders like a dumb robot. Shakeel Yoonus yes, he can be fined. And we have a demerit point system for traffic misdeeds. When he chalks up sufficient of these points, he can be suspended from driving for a period of time. I am from India, specifically from a part of India called West Bengal, fish is a staple here and our specialty, and Jason Voorhees Freddy Krueger daamn shirt part is considered a delicacy, it has maximum meat and more flavor but the only downside is it had more bone and cartilage too but because we do eat fish all our lives we get used to handling that.
