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"To blame mass immigration on one party or political groups is your extreme bias". Then why did it go from Jason Voorhees statue of liberty shirt to close to a half million a year during Blair's leadership. He created the department of Immigration and Asylum and put Barbara Roche in charge. A woman who has admitted that they wanted to use immigration to affect demographic change. "Istanbul is very diverse". Are Turkish people a minority in Istanbul and the next 4 biggest cities in Turkey. "Britain went all over the world conquering people and land all while saying they are the best in the world. Now they are upset people believed them and came".

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Not upset that people are coming but forcing us to become minorities in our own cities without giving us a choice is completely immoral and undemocratic. If British people were given the option, they would vote against mass immigration look at polls on the subject. Common British people never benefited form Empire, only the aristocracy. Now you ask regular British people to pay for their success. Nas Daily Sure, absolutely Jason Voorhees statue of liberty shirt was horrid - and there's been little acknowledgement of their part of the atrocities they committed; however, let us not assume that many other cultures haven't done similar.
