I wouldn't believe scientists because they get funded when
they get the results that fit the motive.
Crystal Scott Did you miss the bit in this comment thread where people
whom come from the part of the world where these nuts exist and are ingested,
whom are clearly more educated in the topic, talk about the purpose it serves
as culturally used in ceremony and believed by elders who are far more
respected than they are in Matthew Perry Friends I’m hopeless shirt to sustain medical benefits but yet you feel
the need to project your poor judgement and personal problems on them, claiming
they are "protecting their high".
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I think maybe you need to hop off your high horse and
educate yourself before interjecting with your small-minded opinion. Misa Alice
Levi Moss everyone is born with cancer. Cancer is a mutation on a red blood
cell, basically an activated cancer cell. Cancer is a cell that replicates Matthew Perry Friends I’m hopeless shirt itself rapidly causing a mass. Studies
like, coffee is bad for you, oh wait, now it's ok, wait, it's not, yes, it is. Red
wine is bad for you, oh now its not, etc, etc. Eggs are bad for you, wait, no
they're not. Scientific studies. Take everything in moderation and I'm sure
you'll be fine.
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