Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles shirt

I am no stranger to a ruff ruff life. At age 12 I started running away from home. At age 13, I officially ran away from an abusive white washed home to live in the streets of downtown Toronto for good. The stairwells in buildings, park benches, bridges, McDonald and after hours mall entrances were my warm safe places to sleep and chill. I was one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles shirt would see on the Toronto streets pan handling daily. To take a shower everyday I would go to McDonald. Take off my clothes in the washroom stall, use my rag and their soap to clean up my business. McDonald washrooms was my laundry mat. One thing about this homeless girl. I was always up-to-time, fresh and clean. To eat, almost everyday after pan handling. I would buy a McDonald burger. Eat half, then put a piece of my hair in the other half, then return it to the cashier, so I could get another free burger. For the drink and fries, I would eat half. Then spill them on the the floor. Then go to Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles shirt the counter with a sorry sad face. Every single time they would give me another fries or drink. The second burger, fries and drink I would save for my meal later. McDonald is a great place when it comes to customers service. Living in foster homes, group homes and detention facilities for many of my teenage years gave me the inspiration to assist youths. I use to call homeless shelters and shelters for abused women my home. Sharing residence with me. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles shirt 

Buy it here: Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles shirt
From: Limotees
